A patented morel cultivation discovery
You always knew there was a connection between those morels and that elm tree. You were right, there is!
This website offers trees for sale that have been inoculated with the morel fungus. The discovery is protected by Patent Number: US 6,907,691 B2 and Patent Number: 6,951,074 B2 cultivation of morchella and cultivation of morel ascocarps respectively. Morel cultivation is briefly outlined in this website and is described in detail in the patents.
CULTIVATION OF MORCHELLA, OR MOREL MUSHROOMS, AND THE DISCOVERIES HEREIN are protected by these UNITED STATES PATENTS and grants STEWART CRAIG MILLER having title to these patents the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention throughout the United States of America for a term of twenty years from the filing date of the application. Nothing in this website or in these patents may be used without the expressed written consent of Stewart Craig Miller.